Saturday 17 February 2018

Monoculture of food-diets, thoughts, languages, seeds and cultures

Our food systems, diets, agricultural systems, cultures and languages-traditions have always remained very closed looped but connected and integrated to sutra of oneness. India is considered diverse land in every aspect of life but unity in diversity have always celebrated rather taken as burden.

Our food diets are becoming globalized so is each and every other walk of life. From language medium in school to seeds in farming, and diluting of cultural values among budding generations, every aspect is turning monoculturally dominant.We in every part of country losing our connection with local food, local languages/dialects, local seeds, local closed economies, local festivals and cultures, and extolling and eulogising exotic food-diets, seeds, languages and cultures.

Down the line, we all are disassociating ourselves with our native roots. Many of us might have traveled world and India so far extensively. All the so-called advanced/developed countries and communities never disassociated themselves their young breed from their roots whether in sense of language, cultures, agriculture, food diets. There are many example of live communities and countries from Jews to Japanese, and from Germans to Mandarins who remained very closed despite celebrating openness. This is polarity, completeness and wholesome where newness and openness is celebrated despite remaining stuck to their cultures, traditions, seeds, farming and cultures.

But we are evolving void and ignorant of our cultures, languages, traditions, agricultural systems, diets particularly in diverse land like India so in some sense new breed is emerging cognitively and culturally very weak. Just like in farming exotic breeds and plants may look attractive but are not good in sense of resilience, qualitatively poor and very prone to new kinds of diseases and damages so is with exotic languages, food systems, diets, cultures and languages.

Cultivation of food and mind is one and same thing figuratively. Just like on a wild/local farm sowing of exotic seeds required you to eliminate native plants and local diversity as soon as possible, and outer seeds to be planted immediately to smother local plants/diversity of life. So, is case with languages, food diets, cultures etc etc. Unfortunately foreign diets, languages, seeds and cultures has been smothering the diversity of our food system, diets, seeds, languages and cultures successfully. Openness to foreign things, languages, seeds and cultures is not a challenge and very inevitable, but disassociation from our roots is emerging disastrous.

#Views are personal and written in relation to Payara singh Bhogal article appeared in Punjabi daily where he is trying to aware us damage exotic language is doing with Punjab. That new breed is emerging very poor cognitively, mentally, and in leadership quality.

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