Sunday 18 June 2017

Are we moving in right direction to conserve water?


Farming is becoming complex, complicated and costly venture. There is lot of technology in form of better inputs, resources and new innovation are available now days to make our agriculture more productive and remunerative. But we have been destroying the 12000 years old heritage and culture of agriculture. Just in less than 100 years we have made agriculture unsustainable. We have been over-exploiting natural resources and separating from the nature. During my all these years while studying agriculture and working with agriculture community I have realized somethings which are hindering flowering of agriculture. I take opportunity to share some of my insights.

Lack of integration
Agriculture has been considered as organic whole system with integration of nature, all life forms and universal forces. Over the last few years we have cut down from the agriculture from natural umbilical cord and working separately from the nature. Over-specialization and fragmentation of agriculture leading to many problems and complexity. Every scientist, department and student is working in separate compartments. This is the main problem, we are trying to solve the problems in the agriculture rather looking the problem of agriculture as a whole. Now, take example of water conservation, even there is not much integration of soil and water conservation department with agriculture or horticulture or PAU. If there would be a virtual integration, we are not working in tandem to fix the problems. Over specialization, bureaucracy, red-tapism etc is hindering our common mandate to serve the farmers. Lack of integration also affect in some terms e.g. earlier there was not much water in Kandi area [Punjab], now when there is some availability of water people start growing paddy. Cultivation of crops like paddy in kandi area further leads to many negative social externalities. There may be policy issues of MSP but we need to generate awareness about negative social externalities. We need to make people educate and influence the policies to be change. 

Lack of respect for local knowledge and ingenuity
I really not able to understand that our education system is transforming us stoic and most insensitive breed. Majority of scientist are sheep and working as system is deriving them without putting any thought whether their work is impacting people at the grass root level or not. There are so much of so called research and technological innovation for farmers by our agriculture scientists. But what about the footprint of these innovations in the farmers' fields? Our education and academia has led us to doubt our own heritage and cultural system. Earlier there was so much ingenuity and rich cultures which helps in conservation of nature, ecosystem and resources. Now, we just deploying technologies without any common sense that these all technologies are exotic, not socio-economically viable and not compatible to our small and marginal farmers' fields. Simple practices of natural farming, organic farming, vertical mulching, in-situ-water conservation, making soils organic matter rich etc can help to reduce the need of water and cost incurred in farming. But we are not focusing these issues because these are not fall in our mandate or departmental responsibilities. This is where lack of integration comes into picture.
Local farmers has always used local seeds, organic manures, and local innovations where there has been lack of basic inputs. They have devised simple techniques like in-situ water conservation, vertical mulching, pot irrigation, growing of hardy crops e.g. pulses and millets where water was deficient.These local techniques were even used by Britishers very beautifully which we need to ponder upon. For example there is extensive water conservation and supply system in the Shimla which was established by Britishers when She was summer capital. underground the Mall road there are hundred thousand litter of tank of water to supply water to Shimla. Most sophisticated system of water conservation system is placed in Indian Institute of Advanced Studies [IIAS] which was viceroy house built by Lord Dufferin [1884-88]. There is full-proofed water irrigation and water led fire protection system based on common knowledge of locals [please read and visit the place].

Lack of innovation
Change is law of nature. We all are following fixed pattern and walking on the same path. No one wants to walk upon a new trail and path. Modern agriculture and technologies has created many problem rather than solving the problems. But at the same time science and nature also provide us new open door to improve and settle the things. There is lack of flexibility, discretion and courage among agricultural scientific, and working community. We are killing the creativity of our youth by not providing them new information on subjects like xeriscaping, xeri-agriculture, natural farming, organic farming. Israel is the leader who has transformed the deserts into agricultural oasis. At the same time despite having all the system, resources and human resources in well placed we are not respecting our resources. We really need to integrate xeriscaping, water conservation, selection of crops according to resources availability with our mainstream agricultural institutions. We really need to work in collaboration, integration if we really want to bring some change at the ground. We really need to make our scientific and students, other working community to farmers first rather insensitive people. We need to work in tandem, and needs to think innovative and creative. All require great courage and molting of ego. Are we moving in right direction, is the biggest question need to ponder upon?

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