Wednesday 14 March 2018

The Alchemy of Growing Food Hydroponically

Hydroponics has been thought as an unnatural method of growing food by many people, as food without soil has been considered as soul-less food. I am also of this opinion that soil is mother, and plants bloom and fruit in soil-womb just like foetus in mother-womb. Moreover plants grown hydroponically is considered just as lab-bred food which is unnatural and unhealthy to eat spiritually and philosophically. But, I feel hydroponics as concept is very part of nature and how life has been evolved, but package & practices of growing food hydroponically has been bringing disrepute to conceptual beauty of hydroponics. I have tried to write this piece to make some sense that what does mean by food and what is the alchemy of transforming one form of life into organic food?

Hydroponics is wonderful and extremely sophisticated system of growing plants (even food) using water as main element of support. Basically every life is made-up of Panchbhutas as per Vedic traditions, whether it is living planet, animal life, plant life or any other form of life. Water is most dominant element and more than two-third part of any living form is composed of water.

One form of mass converts into another form of mass via energy scientifically and logically. So, plants and food is nothing but simply manifestation of soil. Unique genetic information inherited in seeds deciphers through different expressions of plant stages (from vegetative to reproductive phases), but it is soil which is taking different shapes as per information contains in seed. Seeds are considered as living tiny computers with sophisticated software and hardware to store information and further process one form of mass into another form of mass known as food. 

Put any seed in the soil, soil moulds into shape of leaves, buds, thrones, fruits and further seeds. Is not it magical and mystical? Even we as humans are food for a lion or a tiger or any carnivorous animal-being, hence every living form is nothing but food and soil in this complex yet simple web of food-system transforming into one and another form.

Returning back to hydroponics, hydroponics is natural and very traditional concept of growing plants and some food with support of water. Traditionally wetland rice, fish, water caltrop, lotus root, edible-seaweed etc has been grown as food hydroponically (Who don't know money plant grows hydroponically since ages?). But naturally hydroponics is different from what markets and so-called-engineers are preaching and promoting in name of vertical food farming or fresh-food in terms of time, space and frame of reference and in context to fertilization.

As I quoted food is nothing just transformation of one form of mass into another form of mass via energy. This is what sacred scriptures, Vivekananda or Einstein have preached and theorized, and modern quantum physics propounding upon.

Water is life and has tremendous forms of nutrients and fertilization capacity. Even advance research is in process and documented that water is fluid computer has capacity to heal and nourish body. So, hydroponically growing of food is not a problem at el, question is how water is being fed and fertilized to being taken shape of plant life or food?

To feed plant organically whether in soil or water, or even in space (extra-terrestrial habitat R&D) is an art supported by natural innovations and designs, and very science and technology. If you have mastered the art of conversion of one form of organic/natural mass into one another form, even using science and technology, it would be extremely fine.This is the pure art or so-called 'the alchemy of growing food' whether in soil or water.

(Views are personal and written in objective capacity)

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